Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Christmas is the gentlest, loveliest festival of the revolving year - and yet for all that, when it speaks, its voice has strong authority - W.J. Cameron

(source: WeHeartIt)
 Time flies so damn fast, eh? I almost can't believe it's Christmas again and we nearly reach the end of 2012. I know it's a day late to say Christmas greetings but I feel it's not fair not to greet my followers and fellow blog here, because I did send a touchy greetings to my friends via BBM, Twitter and WhatsApp hehe...

Keep scrolling guys!

Here what I put on my BBM profile picture as my own personal Christmas greeting to my friends. I know it's a narcissism but it's not that bad right? Hahaha... It took me a long time to edit this photos and make them into collage because I have so many ideas especially about what and where to put the stickers

Be the color that lights the world means I am just black and white without the born of Jesus. My life would be empty and monotone if Jesus never born in my heart (didn't intend to sound too religious tho :P).You see why I colored my photos with gray scale and the stickers are colorful? Yes, that's the reason why. So here my Christmas greetings for you:

Merry Christmas dear my friends!
A Christmas wish for you and your family, let this Christmas bring joy, peace and love that binds you all together always.
...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly - John 10:10

(source: WeHeartIt)
I got inspired to make photo collage above from this very gorgeous Lea Michele's. Do you see the resemblance? Okay, no laugh...  

Errr... have I said I'd like to do paper-crafting in my spare time to you guys? I guys I haven't, maybe someday I'd post it in my blog. So, yeah for Christmas this year I've made Christmas well-known figures. I've started to made them since a week ago and still I couldn't finish it. The Christmas tree in the middle should be more festive than that. There were supposed cute decorations such as stars, angels, candy canes, Christmas socks hanging on the tree but I guess on my behalf I'd say I like to keep it simple haha... So there you go! You can see the figures' names above each of them

Not only me but they also want to greet you Merry Christmas hehe... I decided to give the family name "Paper's" simply because they're made from paper :)
Aren't they cute? 

Here's my photo taken at Marche, Grand Indonesia. Me and my family had Christmas dinner there, my older brother's treat. It's our second time eat at the beautiful Switzerland restaurant and we all LOVE the Rosti! :9

Before closing this post, I have a news for you guys. I will have new year's holiday with my family in abroad for 6 days 5 nights starts from 28 Dec - 2 Jan, not gonna tell you where because I want to surprise you with the photos soon I come back. This time we don't go with tour so yeah we will go as backpackers and the thought of meeting with some random people makes me pretty excited, especially if he is cute and "bule" hahaha...

Full-complete story plus pictures soon when I come back on next year, so wait for it and be patient! ;P
Until next posts/year guys!

I wish we could put up some Christmas spirit in jars and open a jar of it every month - Harlan Miller

1 comment:

  1. Awww.. love the dress there! Anyways, I took some pictures with photobooth too pas a day before Christmas. I'm thinking of making the same one like yours, it's cute! lol. Gpp lah Sab, narsis mumpung masih muda, ntar pas uda tua ga lucu kan narsis2 diliat anak. Tapi btw, jaman sekarang lagi temen2 gue yg uda pada gendong anak aja masih pada narsis kok, haha, jadi is okay Sab (; EGP, just enjoy it!

    Anyways, comment gue bakal panjang banget nih disini.. haha~ gue demen banget sama si Rudolphhh... but tiba2 pas ngeliat ginger bread gue langsung kyaa~ gigit kuku jari telunjuk gue, cute abis! Merry x'mas once again dear, xoxo.


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