Monday, September 10, 2012

Cibo Italiano

Mangiare per vivere e non vivere per mangiare - Italian proverb
"Eat to live and not live to eat"

Those months of birthdays are here again! Just like every year, me and my family's birthdays come in a row starts from my older brother on 29th August 2012. This year's theme is Cibo Italiano (Italian food)! So my older brother took the others to eat at Basilico, Gandaria City on 1st September.

Here's my complete review of the night, just keep rolling guys! 

The birthday boy

Don't mind my dad, he looks like that, not always tho hahaha...
A tavola non si invecchia - Italian proverb
"At the table with good friends and family you do not become old"

My mom said, we both are getting more look alike as we grow older. Do you think so?
Chi mangia sulo s'affoga - Italian proverb
"He who eats alone suffocates"

Welcome Bread
The sauce tasted a bit sour like Salsa and yeah it was delicious! 

My dad's order: Gnocci Sorentina

My mom's order: Lasagne alla Bolognese

My oldest bro's order: Black pasta with Salmon (forgot the Italian name)
It was yummy if there wasn't fishy smell when eaten

My older bro's order: Strozzapreti Pancetta
My order: Crespelle
We ordered pizza too: Piza del Basilico
 L'Appetito vien mangiando - Italian proverb
"Appetite comes with eating"

All of them look delicious right? Too bad, images can be deceiving. Their actual taste isn't as good as you can imagine by seeing those images except the Pizza, the bread at the end was so crunchy. Overall, I give this restaurant 6.5 out of 10 for the food and the milieu. 

Not far from the restaurant, I found this very sweet cage. I didn't know what is it doing there. Unfortunately, my outfit didn't support the atmosphere :(

Stopped by Tokyo 1 Store on LG floor, it was almost closing time so we just take a glimpse of all those Japanese stuff  that is being sold there

This store is already closed too, a lot of Matryoshka (Russian traditional doll) being sold here. They just wow me! 

Posing while waiting for our driver to pick us
Chi va a letto senza cena tutta la note si dimena - Italian proverb
"He who goes to bed without eating, will regret it throughout the night"

All I can say for that night is I'm happy to celebrate my older brother with the main family, just the five of us. Always treasure your time with your family guys, don't ever waste it because there comes time when you can't be with your family anymore and never regret when that times come :)

That's all for today's post! See you on my upcoming updates!

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