Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lacey Love

Based on Wiki, Lace is an openwork fabric, patterned with open holes in the work, made by machine or by hand. The holes can be formed via removal of threads or cloth from a previously woven fabric, but more often open spaces are created as part of the lace fabric.
(just wanna share you some info, anyway)

the question is, why do I love lace? well, I just fell in love with it recently because I found myself finally realize that lace can give you a touch of unique, vintage, yet elegant
am I right?! =)

no particular reason to state why I suddenly fell in love with lace, actually
but guess what?! when I was a child like 10 years ago or so I hate wearing something lacey instead because it looks itchy and it was! or probably it was just only in my thought...

and look at me now, it's not valid anymore
because now I want something lacey!!! LOL

besides it rhymes "Lacey Day"...
know what I mean?! (okei, I'm just joking around and it's not funny) sigh...

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